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[WSO资源] (Platinum Program Secrets)简单的计划确切地列出了要做什么...









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发表于 2017-5-19 12:39:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9 d: N. c  w0 g8 S- q1 O2 M
一个被证实的系统可以助你创造你的第一个六位数美刀收益。; i8 L+ ]) F" }) s' b  D2 s
与只有少数高级激励的客户一起工作,享受六位数美元的业务。, E( h8 N; h' S& Q( T
3 \8 X- {4 q& n+ j( ~拥有你所选择的生活方式的时间、自由和收入。做个自由的SOHO。
2 B2 I. V$ _2 E. y; Y4 \! VA proven system to create your first or next 6 figures.
* \" d' f3 X* B9 \& R6 ^Enjoy a 6-figure+ business by working with just a handful of highly motivated dream clients.7 W( W% W3 z1 h- s" U7 J2 k4 a7 l
Charge what your services are truly worth… without fear, guilt or hesitation.! `, Q0 O9 \& H. D1 D3 ~' p  w
Attract clients who seek you out and are happy to pay your premium fees, K, y- G$ Z/ ~' b" ?: W2 r
Have the time, freedom and income for the lifestyle you choose.2 o$ h3 _/ ]2 x5 B) e* a+ g

. |' m* n- D# ], E
6 m7 J: l+ G& R: r# V" T* O0 ~5 Z! AElizabeth Purvis - Platinum Program Secrets
/ J- ^& a7 G1 F9 N& d, {│ Resources.url
, u% X1 I! v" b/ i, q7 B2 j├─1 - Module #1 - How To Channel Your Deep Transformation# h, B4 d! _  x) ^# K5 f
│ │ Class 1 - Transcript.pdf
3 \4 o. ]" U/ Z  O& w+ }│ │ Class 1.mp3( i1 q% L2 r( a% |
│ └─Handouts
: Z2 n8 o6 b! @9 o0 L│ 1 - Proven Hot Problems That High Paying Clients Will Eagerly Invest .pdf
: x$ ~; G( O, H+ i1 N9 \; i│ 2 - 3-Step Offer Creation Blueprint.pdf3 @. ?+ r+ ~. P3 I
│ 3 - How To Inspire 'Em To Pay For What You've Got - The Motivators.pdf
5 x8 w2 m( o' d- }) ]4 u2 w$ d3 J│ 4 - The 3 Common Problems Your Clients Want You To Solve.pdf
. g. F" O: z1 K! J: Q. n│ Resources.url6 [6 k2 u4 V) F6 i
├─2 - Module #2 - How To Design A Rich And Juicy High-End Program4 P. H) s# g* i( [1 T. J/ ]
│ │ Class 2 - Transcript.pdf
8 l6 [5 q! m  H& F2 I& X7 m+ X/ \│ │ Class 2.mp33 C! Q# W8 V' s' r' @) X' h
│ │ Resources.url- _* K: {8 c2 E7 E% ?6 [) d1 {
│ └─Handouts; G# b5 c* r( L9 |
│ 1 - 7 Steps to Platinum.pdf+ l  Y7 N* ?/ i0 u
│ 2 - Monthly Accountability Journal.pdf* \4 |% I3 X- J  |1 {5 U
│ 3 - Platinum Mindsets.pdf
' z0 e5 |; u, s0 }│ 4 - Program Blueprints.pdf
3 z8 I! K  r" f8 X3 l0 E│ 5 - Program Bonuses.pdf) [0 G) e9 c3 y: A( |
│ 6 - Program Samples.pdf
. ?0 {' _2 m4 M9 h+ C' @* a1 g7 p├─3 - Module #3 - How To Price Your Program With Integrity & Accept Payment With Credibility4 M. T/ S7 ~% k4 g) [% H5 n3 F
│ │ Class 3 - Transcript.pdf0 B" k3 l; k( }3 R4 s
│ │ Class 3.mp3
4 M7 }" B6 {/ H7 E% X│ │ Resources.url- s9 L  ^! F( d+ G+ p; a  a
│ └─Handouts) H- z7 K/ V& w1 |7 w, c) g
│ 1 - Why You're Not Greedy.pdf
& T4 O3 T4 }. \+ E8 v( m: j│ 2 - 90-Day Enrollment Form.doc! V8 N" B8 S5 L* A' l8 f  [
│ 3 - Platinum Pricing Worksheets.pdf4 p* l8 b* r/ ]( t# T$ B
│ 4 - Payments Must-Do's.pdf( i) T) c& G5 z/ V7 W8 z
│ 5 - How To Decide Your Fees.pdf1 R0 W6 N* G! m# g
│ 6 - Enrollment Letter Worksheet.pdf- Y: \2 \& j4 O+ f9 X5 U
├─4 - Module #4 - Launch! How To Fill Your Program With Ease
+ r5 Z, _1 k/ _2 U8 U│ │ Class 4 - Transcript.pdf
  B. H8 P* [5 \9 Y& V6 J2 {│ │ Class 4.mp3
0 q' p, j! X. y2 j' h9 E! j, j│ │ Resources.url  b- \0 |1 y! u% q# ~
│ ├─Handouts3 N" V& {7 M+ s+ F0 o4 B! f
│ │ 1 - Launch Flow Letter and Application.pdf
/ G' |9 C( I* \& P; ~│ │ 2 - How To Enroll Your Program.pdf4 R' K% t* s5 J; |7 |0 p5 o! @
│ │ 3 - Favorite Ways To Get New Clients.pdf
( ]/ \0 ?2 E3 U│ │ 4 - Interview Questions.pdf
2 L" g' i3 }$ |# t; b4 s! a│ │ 5 - Enrollment Conversion Template.pdf
) m- ]+ v1 t6 y0 J: f$ ^7 t│ │ 6 - Enrollment Do's and Don'ts.pdf5 S- S' W' x& e" M
│ │ 7 - 10+ Ways To Find The Money, Every Time - 1.pdf% P, k# N/ w, }+ x" d: Z
│ │ 7 - Handling Objections - 2.pdf
4 k4 W) a" G/ _! p7 H│ │ 8 - How to Hand-Invite Your Peeps.pdf& l9 P8 z8 Q4 B, a; o# [% Y, i
│ │ 9 - Email to Database - 1.pdf
  w# I+ E/ G0 h* x5 M  n│ │ 9 - Strategy Session Email Campaign - 2.pdf
6 Z" e; b9 I. P; M( a: F+ }5 U# P│ └─Samples) y6 f# j8 E$ h
│ 1 - Private Platinum 90 Day Program - Enrollment Form.doc) a9 a- d' J' m! F+ L/ t
│ 2 - Private Platinum 90 Day Program - Letter.pdf/ {* h7 U; r" {1 O6 u, H: U9 s! h
│ 3 - Goddess Business School Invitation.pdf
, |: H2 \4 n" Q) H6 B  i1 ]│ 4 - Leverage & Leadership Invitation and Application.pdf
! j  B* ]7 s9 @  R4 K- s├─5 - Module #5 - How To Deliver A High-End Program Your Clients Will Never Forget  J% j8 v7 \$ c" p; j
│ │ Class 5 - Transcript.pdf9 Z6 p& O" S; C  ?
│ │ Class 5.mp3
- ~) b; G# f& E- H3 l│ │ Resources.url  N4 Z/ m% K8 x
│ └─Handouts% \0 N( i. H, ^5 g' q) O
│ 1 - Simple Stick Strategies.pdf4 j+ w5 @# A+ E" N5 X  F5 v1 X
│ 10 - Budget Worksheet.pdf
* i$ d  a8 n4 j; l% d. P│ 11 - Retreat Structure.pdf
* `. c  n# K8 }│ 12 - Retreat Planning Checklist.pdf
. e" I0 M' j) q# c- C│ 2 - System To Welcome New Clients.pdf
5 l& z0 O5 O7 B$ a! @: K│ 3 - Sample Welcome Packet.pdf
' g/ X/ Z: x3 b( b3 s7 p│ 4 - Gift Ideas.pdf
( I5 E' ~/ F. c9 D( r) N( n9 d│ 5 - Sample Welcome Email for Private Clients.pdf7 b8 R  F! f& Q
│ 6 - Weekly Reminder Email.pdf4 v/ _5 D5 o0 K# l
│ 7 - Day Of Reminder Email.pdf
2 c6 x/ U1 ^7 K& F3 }% A# f! e│ 8 - Weekly Accountability Journal Email.pdf% r2 J' S& J1 W
│ 9 - Pre-Retreat Email.pdf( M4 S' \+ U6 {) f$ ^3 W! r
├─6 - Bonus Q&A Calls with Elizabeth Purvis* d" T# c2 F: U3 S
│ │ Call 1 - Transcript.pdf; B& }# r1 P2 N! C: c9 X  [/ h% O
│ │ Call 1.mp3
( J4 j- L$ j# V/ x│ │ Call 2.mp3% q6 {9 m% ?) m4 @( {* }
│ │ Call 3.mp3
6 `! w/ e8 }8 p2 [8 Z│ │ Resources.url
, ?( X0 E+ B* L│ └─BONUS - High-End Client Hot Spots Call
4 B( y) D9 k, O$ p$ {│ High-End Client Hot Spots Call.mp3
1 h  A8 J5 x# ]2 S│ High-End Client Hot Spots Call.txt
8 T. C, c% b4 K+ _) ]6 |├─7 - Platinum Success Boosters
2 K* k3 d4 Y* T3 J│ ├─Booster #1 - Templates, Marketing Materials & Done-For-You Goodies GALORE
& i( R# C( c$ i& ~4 W│ │ │ Bonuses.txt9 k* X# M- D8 m0 [7 i% z: X
│ │ ├─#1 - Get Started Kit- Q5 \8 M9 M1 F2 M1 b; x% X% p
│ │ ├─#2 - Online Launch Kit Via Email/ q- K8 ~$ x3 Z5 k
│ │ └─#3 - Online Launch Kit Via Landing Page: o: ]6 W: N7 w5 V' {; S4 R
│ ├─Booster #2 - Platinum Success Audio Collection* `# B* {( }- f- E1 ^, t
│ │ │ Resources.mht
) o2 P4 c' ?: {│ │ └─4 - Transformational Selling For High-End Programs, z1 G/ R- s, R
│ └─Booster #3 - Platinum Troubleshooting Guide - What To Do if Clients Aren't Signing Up+ C8 A9 u' v" `+ L
│ Resources.mht
0 y4 E; w; V' X; E- i% O4 f( _+ [└─8 - Implement Your High-End Program In 60-Days (or less) Support Package# k  |" U- }+ n' A0 e: z& O: W' O
│ 2 - Implementation Call #1.mp3
8 f2 g3 A  L% G4 K5 L- ]# z│ 3 - Implementation Call #2.mp3
- ]7 ~* \+ Z% Q9 u/ E" m│ 4 - Implementation Call #3.mp3. L) m7 |: z, i; X$ h' o/ s9 x
│ 5 - Pps Live Q&a Call 1.mp3
* q% w3 ~" d9 A│ 6 - Pps Live Q&a Call 2.mp3
7 }! b0 z0 K0 r│ 7 - Pps Live Q&a Call.mp33 c4 s8 t8 J1 O+ T+ g
│ Resources.url4 ~( @0 ~9 s8 [0 Q1 W* |4 w/ \
└─1 - Detailed 60-Day Implementation Plan) e2 C3 I% B) e% }# |  ^3 o4 N
" c6 S9 N' p+ p/ B4 p, B$ ?
Elizabeth Purvis - Platinum Program Secrets.zip3 g; {; H4 c3 p
链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1mi1DtFU 密码: gnjg
0 [" V/ E  U  l# q

3 Z1 }$ h: g- H5 Q" \- o. i. f


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