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发表于 2016-11-16 19:40:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
How to set up your task AdsBridge

AdsBridge from continuous updates, even the Christmas holidays are no exception. Please take a moment to learn about our "How to Create Ads tasks AdsBridge" step by step guide.
We will now begin.
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Screenshot AdsBridge show is set in the advertising task interface
1. The first cell in the settings you see the task is to create advertising and advertising account, select Options task. Our tracking tools can extract data through our pre-built network ClickDealer the API. This feature is only available for the Professional Edition, Business Edition, Enterprise Edition or a customized version of the user.
To use this feature, create a network Clickdealer in our user interface shown in the figure, when button and enter your Clickdealer account in the window that appears.
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2. The advertising industry classification and grouping tasks - This function is to facilitate your use. Chosen profession allows you to "manage your Tasks" option in the advertising industry classification according to task, task grouping feature allows you to follow in addition to each task can also view data by packet.
3. Name the task. You can name the personal preferences (the name must be more than 3 characters and must be made az, AZ, 0-9, -! ?, _, *, /, &, [,], (,),, №,%,, @, #, <,>, +, commas, periods, etc.).
4. Enter the full link a task in the ad space. The link is usually provided by your network.
5. The list includes all the tasks can be added to the ad link for passing parameters network information.
Note that when adding the parameter <Parameter 1> <parameter 2> <3 parameter> format is wrong, this will make the task link no effect. You need to enter the name of the parameter in the task link, so the network can receive the required parameter values, and add a macro. Here is an example: Parameter 1 = <parameter 1> & 2 parameter = <parameter 2>, and so on (but the specific format of the link can be diverse, some ad networks can / ,: or other characters to receive parameter.
6. Select the type of mission ad - paid by the user behavior (CPA) or pay in terms of sales (CPS)
CPS and CPA's mission is not the same, the conversion means CPS sold some things, and CPA conversion applications including installation, registration or completion of other specified actions.
In our tracking tools, the difference between the two is reflected in CPA task each click of the unique identifier corresponds to only one conversion, which means a user can complete a conversion. For CPS task, the user can click with a unique identifier corresponding to a plurality of conversion (such as registration, installation and purchase), but this is limited to the parameters set in the case of txid postback URL (in this case the conversion is send the URL to pass back through the only link tracking tool tid txid parameters and parameters)
7. Network before you in our tracking tool settings can be selected from the drop-down list.
8. In the ad tag marked with the place tick box means that every time a user browses the advertising links, the ad tag will be added to the link.
9. tracking tag is a very important parameter to set the conversion tracking . If you've set up in the network network options when setting this parameter, it will automatically appear in this column.
Track marks are our tracking tool for transferring Click unique identifier parameter. The grid refers to the network can receive our tracking tool unique identifier parameter names, by using advertising links will be added to the task. For example, if your network is based on the Cake platform to build, you can use s2, s3, s4, s5 as tracking tags. If your network is based on the HasOffers platform to build, you can use aff_sub2, aff_sub3, aff_sub4, aff_sub5 as tracking tags. More ad networks is based on a customized platform to build, in which case you need to communicate and network managers need to understand what parameters.
10. Set the amount and currency conversion gains corresponding. When the value of the proceeds of the corresponding grid are static (meaning when the network link does not send back the dynamic value gains back hair, or do not send back the return value of the function, the system defaults to the static value ), which is dynamic and value transmitted through postback URL is not the same. By postback URL revenue value passed by the network means that it is passed directly to the conversion price of each set. If the link is passed through postback dynamic and static return value is not the same, then the dynamic revenue value will be used to calculate the conversion of profits. Revenue value (whether static or dynamic) you choose will be used when creating ads task of monetary history.
11. The daily limit - if your ad for the conversion task could accrue each day there is a limit, then the subsequent traffic conversion feature allows to achieve a predetermined time limit is not wasted. Once the limit, then you can see additional settings as shown below:[img=498,129]对不起,我们不允许远程图片. 请将图片上传到论坛
To the Redirect  (jump) - Ad tasks used to select traffic jump
Zone Time  (time zone) - select the time zone used to properly calculate daily limit data.
Your task is to set multiple ad campaigns and is classified by the path option.
Do not forget to watch this short video before you begin.


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