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[官宣(Official Thread)] AdsBridge是第一个拥有自己的Smartlink的跟踪器/ TDS









Rank: 2

发表于 2020-3-26 17:21:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 AdsBridge 于 2020-3-26 17:55 编辑
5 s& r$ [  Q* f+ w) p/ h! M% f
7 [6 h3 A8 z% ?, [1 g您好所有论坛成员! 您已经有一段时间没有听到我们的声音了。 因此,让我们介绍我们的最新更新8 Q1 v6 m! w9 _! G
AdsBridge是一款大型便捷,稳定且高效的云软件,具有许多有用的功能。0 L( X0 \. q. p* _0 w

; e3 A! _% r. V2 H( H3 b+ T哪一个让我们看看:
/ M7 A7 D4 W1 u: K6 ?! p- 20个针迹选项可精确定位$ C- B+ r8 K+ g
- 路径优化
2 h$ R; p" _9 c$ h- 内置的登陆编辑器(可使用html和视觉编辑器,模板集以及在自己的主机上添加登陆的功能)
$ C8 J& d  L( D- 无需重定向即可进行跟踪(尤其是针对AdWords,MyTarget和Facebook,以提供直接到着陆页的过渡,从而避免了禁令并提高了点击率)
; ~1 L8 H0 K& ]4 S- 多用户模式% M6 P2 j) U0 f& S4 O0 e' l
- 反欺诈检测器和僵尸过滤器) Z: r& m# u' X- L3 h' f" J
- 从我们购买的域的免费SSL证书
6 P4 }4 r6 U7 g( t  D* R: g- 西里尔语中的令牌转移% C$ x( `* }/ h: z
- 响应式支持(您无需为此付费)
* i' E8 {) ^8 d5 J- 详细的统计和...
* p1 t: ~8 t2 W% [1 Y! ^2 c- R6 V2 Z! ?

, Q1 k4 X2 W; A$ g( Q
2 F$ B$ J; D. ?: C/ yAdsBridge具有用于设置各种会员计划和流量来源的模板,并且这些模板会不断更新。这非常方便,因为它可以节省您使用跟踪ID,回发和令牌填写字段的时间。 iFrame和图片像素的存在使您可以跟踪来自Facebook和AdWords的转化。, K* _1 f$ \* j) y7 a9 V0 U
8 |* Y' I. t0 g1 l, G$ b2 r# z
6 A2 S1 e" t# l2 P: w
* R2 l1 o. U6 L2 q* o5 u/ a
0 D, k  p: s5 A% d* z

* J) M3 f3 T6 z% c: Q
4 g5 h$ C4 a4 |% B* t. Z
; F" `5 H- p/ E' B$ n+ S
' [" Y) k9 }7 z, o! g1 x3 \" h
  z7 b1 Z: y* q" m1 }% j' X0 c$ K0 \+ D8 g; S4 `+ R
: }6 x* B$ l' P2 n! V( w& [4 f. B) O: L4 S  |
# s5 s8 N7 q/ x2 m9 p. m% F, b
: a; A8 F  h7 R2 u1 {  T

& z6 I7 u* o- f; e
反欺诈和僵尸过滤器; k' o7 L' n- S. o# F9 D
2 ]# G% J- y: e( O! C6 X+ L

8 L( g. G# y7 K7 m4 j: p
8 f% }0 E! y6 b5 Z, R免费SSL
$ ^' j& [$ H4 E2 H( v+ t1 z5 k2 @+ O8 d! r
直接从您的帐户购买域名并获得免费的SSL。或使用SSL添加您的域。考虑到Chrome 80的炒作,此功能比以往任何时候都更重要


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Rank: 2

 楼主| 发表于 2020-4-16 19:12:54 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 AdsBridge 于 2020-4-16 21:04 编辑 $ a2 r2 v0 o: Q

( w3 {+ q. ~/ ^" `/ T, sFriends!
4 |  Y3 V) e. P5 z: d# Q. q- G8 g8 }- V" T% I# t% }3 u* P5 d
We have prepared a fresh article in our blog describing a proper start on Facebook. It contains 5 points one should pay his attention to when starting to work with this traffic source. * ?9 l4 O/ G9 c( I' s/ J/ y
+ I  P; ?0 X* R+ {# Q! G( y
https://www. F' s3 F/ ~4 o: i  m6 l0 ]

3 S) c4 a0 M* r" L& s3 P
* ~3 j$ q* |' S# j; r- @6 \# C# i( T
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Rank: 2

 楼主| 发表于 2020-4-24 14:46:15 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 AdsBridge 于 2020-4-24 14:48 编辑
+ L1 L/ p- g" ~3 h8 s# e
7 E: c# F* W# ?* ]
Hey, everyone!
Today AdsBridge would like to share with you several tips about the ad formats and traffic sources that are worth paying attention to in 2020 to be more even successful in affiliate marketing
Read the article in all the details on our blog https://www.
If you would like to share your own tips with us, we’d be glad to hear them out
Those who read the article attentively understood that nutra works well for different types of traffic. Therefore, we would like to suggest the following TOP offers of the week for you
WEB/WAP Black Mask /ES               CPS            $11.90
WEB WAP DetoxTeaKeto COD/IT    CPS             $10.5
WAP WEB Goji berries COD/SG      CPL            $10.15
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us) ~/ L) s2 ?, q! y
  S/ m& ?9 H/ {" i
% h* D9 E* I8 D$ n; R
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Rank: 2

 楼主| 发表于 2020-4-30 18:42:21 | 显示全部楼层
Hi, everyone!
9 c5 ~1 C. Q" z6 ~/ ]" l$ K; w+ y) ~% X1 _' |5 C7 v( {
"There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure." (Colin Powell)
; p3 ^3 ~% o5 ~$ L; V9 }% f% @0 P' X* Q- H  ], L
In the first part of our new article, you can read about the tips to become a successful affiliate marketer. We have written a little bit different advice, than “test various bundles.” . So take a short coffee break and enjoy your reading! : h* c+ j* }7 ~. G# e# ]
https://www. & J9 j, s3 C# z
( R4 F  R& ]7 ]3 t. Z3 b
*The second part of the article is coming the next week.
  M& ^+ D! G3 F7 |; G- l) z4 p, U( P% `0 Y- \! Z* G
- k5 b9 [, ^2 B! o; u
To apply the tips on practice, we would like to present the selection of the SmartLinks, which are on the TOP now. Lockdown restrictions are weakening - don’t lose your chance to grab the profit from still popular verticals!
2 K" |, W  |, @, W9 R7 x+ y/ U2 n
成年人 Games - ECPM $67                    _# A/ W  M1 _% }  Z7 j
Best GEOs: France, Japan, United Kingdom, Ukraine, Sweden, Romania! P& k3 E# {7 Q6 C/ n; w' a

" D1 {1 M( _* L9 sDating - ECPM $55" r$ N, H( I: j( Q
Best GEOs:  Saudi Arabia, Austria, Switzerland, Finland, Denmark - E& p& [( V- q
" T9 h1 g, S* n) G( M& j  }( U/ o0 ~* }
成年人 Pills - ECPM $54
2 T5 A- k( W7 p0 }, M, nBest GEOs: Thailand, Indonesia, Poland * r) ~% ~5 b! S6 R" h7 f

1 ~9 J, ~/ ^4 p  O1 f6 D0 R2 S; l
. u* Y. W; l# ySmartLinks are better complemented by offers from our Market. We advise you to come by right after the coffee break.   b: f) F3 ^1 Y/ H
* n- E1 \7 Z' f9 u9 K3 G! [

* p, g( ~+ T  q4 S; _- e/ }& m- t, j
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Rank: 2

 楼主| 发表于 2020-5-7 16:36:52 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 AdsBridge 于 2020-5-7 16:38 编辑 ! @1 }4 p: n! ^

. y& a# `) W& r( t" ?Guys!
1 h, j# R3 T& f+ w6 @! d
4 A4 M9 B+ e' p. ~( ?* N* hWe are always happy to see your high conversions with AdsBridge offers and smartlinks.0 Q5 x+ A. j" |6 z# Z- R
Check out AdsBridge TOP-offers of the week
7 |) a$ g& Z" }9 G" S  p+ V, @, a$ ]1 H. s" I( r- m% r9 k2 ~4 A
* p! p- D3 X% _9 ?Bitcoin Era - Spain - CPA - $420
1 `; D7 e2 R5 U  s+ u/ @7 I7 e! {
. ?3 q' ], X3 `" o3 k9 N8 P- cGambling# x( r  N) E9 T, m
WAB/WEP Mr. Bet - AU, AT, CA, FI, NO, NL,NZ, SE - CPL - $105
: @9 E7 E0 ^+ J5 O# T% i
# {2 I: }) U% o% eCams
: x7 `: i7 r! L, PPS FR, BE, CH, LU, NL - CPL - $105; v) f; G0 O- J8 p' |4 ~
" `# M* \% t7 L+ }/ Z
BTW, the second part of the article “How to become a successful affiliate” is already in our blog! Hurry up to read!
2 R" I8 H) ~& O* p6 h6 k
3 s7 ]$ z) J* r8 Z6 D+ U, ~We hope you have enjoyed the first part of article and our tips have already come into practice!
3 Z8 l! _: h' c2 {# P
3 q' d  F9 |) q+ Z/ A) p& F5 H3 e( J
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Rank: 2

 楼主| 发表于 2020-5-14 17:47:32 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 AdsBridge 于 2020-5-14 17:48 编辑
/ i0 ~% F+ m+ R$ y6 f, j
# R; d' p5 e! K2 [5 o% i9 iHello everyone!0 T: m. p; k" N, Z- c+ j8 H
9 w. P5 C; t; i/ x% w
We hope you relaxed during the May holidays and are ready to launch new campaigns. Therefore, today we want to reveal 5 steps to success in working with native advertising and propose some offers to test.
. U; {- q. K$ k, e  D% Y, s( h2 ~( C0 q' w) B3 p
You can read how to work with native advertising profitably on our blog.
) z( w7 I  d* u9 y) j/ F' m/ L" h  B* \# a
These are TOP offers to test with native ads right after you finish your reading: ~" l* `- E6 q
GEO: Spain
Payout: $11.90

. H  k1 Z& y' P0 ?! u
WAP WEB Goji berries COD / SG
GEO: Singapore
Payout: $10.15
* L1 o& i4 l! ]/ x
WEB WAP Naruto online main / WW
GEO: All countries
Payout: $8.40
*payouts are higher depending on the GEO

) s5 F0 D5 \. w1 Y# W
New AdsBridge feature
We know that you are tired looking for relevant tracking tokens of your CPA and advertising networks through all Internet and FAQ. It’s not only boring but also a waste of time.$ q! P3 q7 p, a9 ]
/ ?) \$ A' @+ t
We have collected them all! Okay, maybe not all of them, but we are constantly working on addition of new ones. So, if you want to propose your traffic source or CPA-network tokens, contact your manager or write in comments! Tokens can be found on our website.

" k3 B" b/ x! N! ^+ Y0 @
% e+ H, ^; [  y: n* P3 a" T: E- K/ Y+ H$ k4 ^# f# o
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Rank: 2

 楼主| 发表于 2020-5-21 19:48:17 | 显示全部楼层
Hello everyone!
7 x  {4 g  F4 T, P& u5 H, {) |4 k  c# c( r* p  r6 s+ A3 G
Tired of looking for info about S2S postback settings?  z9 T( }" y/ c# w8 @+ N1 J

, }' C( J7 Y$ a' nRead our detailed manual. With it, you will understand the principle of the postback and its types. Just after reading all your questions will disappear and there will be no more difficulties with setting up the S2S postback. Read more https://www.$ ]) C; [: @0 V* l) F) |) H
) a0 c9 z) m1 C$ s( n- B! |, e
And of course, TOP Offers of the Week:
1 O9 o. [* t' E3 z7 V) A2 x
) `$ {3 \, ^; j6 f9 K- JGambling
, X# \9 z( Y1 [0 W" o- A) JWAP/WEB Mr.Bet LP2 AU/AT/CA/FI/NO/NL/NZ/SE
0 |% l3 U( e) V( c/ K  u$1059 t3 F% l: H% d' b
/ h1 l* y  x4 V7 T/ S
Cams * _1 |/ |3 b4 a( M7 E
WAP WEB PPS / MultiGeo$ E. L: x4 f5 @, F& |/ S
$910 o, z$ \8 G' R( Q4 p. W

, {7 V3 |$ A" U8 {3 ~成年人  7 h, C1 Q1 q0 L# N
WEB+WAP LustSeek WW (exclude IN CN ID PK CG CD) PPS0 y2 o. [* T9 w
$35* N3 c0 K, c* O

" V2 n. i1 I( t# Y3 ESuccessful conversions!
: f# [! Y, M$ t9 W; a1 x: F' ~4 Y1 d5 j
) z! B" W- A  i
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Rank: 2

 楼主| 发表于 2020-5-22 15:30:48 | 显示全部楼层
Happy Friday!
# g9 n; d/ h# {& R" I5 _We started series of interviews with members of AdsBridge team!
  f) j& `. \9 n# r; T, V; Z
' W3 G; ?( o" ?Every day, you are in touch with our support managers who answer your questions and help you with your settings. Now you will have an opportunity to find out about them a bit more. ! V4 T  V- S' v8 \3 V' o* c
- t0 @# v6 {* [8 w) T' \0 j
This week we present our first interview with an account manager Ekaterina. Read in our blog.
6 z7 X, g4 ]- {2 P# ?- ^" F2 I$ m/ E$ I7 N
Wish you a great weekend ahead and high conversions!: W* r7 x1 K* I' f6 T" N

" O% T, H6 S* K, Z
+ ^, t1 e( q9 S' d+ Q" }
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Rank: 2

 楼主| 发表于 2020-5-28 22:53:56 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 AdsBridge 于 2020-5-28 22:55 编辑 1 A  w% X) W" I3 _5 a$ }' f9 @
, W+ _3 ^1 Q# B% z9 p5 s
Hi, everyone!3 k! A- T+ D+ Y7 j0 ^
Today we want to remind you that summer is almost here and please with hot offers on the Arab GEO.6 V/ D4 i1 O( p0 ]' M5 T

6 s" }3 x2 K8 d: Y* D) [! RSo, to get good profit from Arabic GEO you need to take into account cultural specifications - from meticulous selection of creatives to studying of the local law regarding advertisement. Moreover, each region requires an individual approach - European offers are more popular in one group of countries, as for the others - because of the poor Internet connection it’s better to avoid using video and gif images.
2 E: I  P/ A& c9 T& ]! A1 p$ ~; m7 r+ {
TOP offers for Arabic countries from our Market are:$ A6 N+ D0 D( |# [* D
' G6 e: V0 x2 m# b$ ?, F8 `5 D: v
WEB+WAP LustSeek WW  PPS - All countries -  $35
" g( ?+ Z6 u; t' {Offer covers all countries and the payout doesn’t depend on the GEO.   K0 o7 E! X, b) K) d7 o
Offer type is - CPS
; m' s9 S$ K* Y/ k( w# k. n0 gThe only restriction is - we don’t accept incent traffic.
; V! c# b9 |0 J  Q  t) I) b( O2 @0 c- \: K7 X  X; a7 |$ k
You can request the offer in Offers Market.; I+ r8 e& R  a. c7 w5 b
We recommend to use landing pages for higher conversion rate (AdsBridge has a full-fledged editor with ready-to-use templates)

' g- i7 w6 |) N6 j2 w& m- U

  \5 \# z4 _) `& k
Dating SmartLink - Qatar - ECPM $75
The most popular SmartLinks, it covers SOI/DOI offers. In Arabic countries it is popular as well. Moreover, it doesn’t need additional landing pages and is launched by one button.  Put your link on the traffic source and count the income.
Sweepstakes Smartlink - Iraq - ECPM $16.20
It covers offers with the possibility to win discount card or a smartphone. Payout is per registration or credit card addition.
We also remind you that the minimum withdrawal request is $100. The balance is upgraded twice a month - on 7th and 21st day.
Have high conversions!
5 D. o* U5 U( e: ~, l' z- i
. G. P: n4 j, w  d, o' s0 I

2 I8 @( u+ f5 ^8 n$ y" Q, K. b5 M7 Q  `1 E
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Rank: 2

 楼主| 发表于 2020-5-29 18:19:55 | 显示全部楼层
Ready to get to know your account manager better?( L  U2 ~/ `2 p  M
We continue our series of articles about AdsBridge team.
: {) r7 x+ x* v. z, M1 A" I* J2 n
8 o$ k/ s6 o( HToday we offer you a little plunge into the life of Vladislava
& Q( B/ |& S. r- j# h3 G+ e* D. |
) l4 _6 {- t! ^/ H
9 g6 s. O) o  \! L! bVladislava is a manager who is not afraid of difficulties and ready to solve your difficult case. We are sure that you had one too, share it in comments!
; E! V( K# ^4 T( X& d2 m2 m! L
- Z* O4 i$ S: {2 R9 `3 R$ a; ?. AGood weekends!
3 W/ v* Z0 n9 C9 V0 _5 M
" N3 ^) {, O. _  r; ?
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Rank: 2

 楼主| 发表于 2020-6-4 18:43:54 | 显示全部楼层
Hi everyone!. O! b% P+ ?* d" n' E

. g( L! b" ^& p! h. \* N3 v% wHope your first week of summer has begun in a positive and bright way!' H  l7 j1 y7 U
' Q* J' e8 A- P/ T: b) @
Summer is a great period for extremely hot offers, therefore AdsBridge has prepared a great selection for you! Check them out* h) M; ?" [" o/ e) W

0 @- g6 _3 c- |+ ^1 ^8 `7 s6 jWAP Gibmirsex /SOI/ DE/ n% v1 G1 ^3 o9 G
# b9 O  Q: t% m3 P9 _" r$ ^( H0 E5 ?* r  J  X
WAP Soifdetoi SOI / FR& W* }1 o- D$ ]$ u4 R
7 Z3 |1 W( B( h. W: \& }3 z
* G; U6 z5 y+ A: F
Passionmature US /SOI
# f3 V" d+ O( P1 Z$2.09
4 N% T2 V# m- d- l. }  J) T. t

- I$ D1 f/ R$ S. sWAP Hellohotties US / SOI0 M: l; K$ Q' r  Y

) }0 ^9 Z0 b. G  t, P0 J$ C) r) u. s
We are also keeping introducing our team to you. This week you are going to find out a bit more about our account-manager and a lovely girl Anna% U6 V! B' |/ f2 F

5 i: {9 w8 \( K1 Q* \7 PRead in our blog
- o4 G; C, V/ J3 h) D* k/ E  p  T& |$ D5 n# n/ i' S

8 v! `7 m  B, A4 P' ~3 T
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Rank: 2

 楼主| 发表于 2020-6-6 03:02:13 | 显示全部楼层
Each year Affbank, one of the biggest offer aggregators, carries out Affbank Awards nominations. This year 2020 isn’t an exception despite the quarantine times.* F% Z# Z2 g7 u* a# s2 B
: b% a6 r4 a3 f9 O. i
If you want to support us in the category ”The best tracker'', you can vote at Affbank website.' O% u) D2 g1 W1 f+ ^1 j& u# Y! E
0 W: ]4 f- L0 _% o1 ], Z  ?- {5 Y
& y4 r. K7 k5 s( x8 gThis won’t take much of your time, but we will really appreciate it!3 D% U4 D2 V+ }, q: r
4 d# y; [1 R6 U8 j/ Y; L5 s

4 `, k' g5 l( A' N! R+ X* n9 j
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Rank: 2

 楼主| 发表于 2020-6-6 03:13:03 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 AdsBridge 于 2020-6-13 03:28 编辑 & ]. O$ X$ g% v9 @' ^
/ ?! e" F* y3 j  r8 b. s
In the midst of summer, we have prepared for you offers that took top places this week1 e5 M9 L3 Z7 X) U; ?+ N

5 z" f& N4 n0 U/ [* b/ `: A6 J
WEB+WAP LustSeek WW (exclude IN CN ID PK CG CD) PPS
成年人 Dating
Covers all countries and the payout doesn’t depend on the GEO
Only 成年人 traffic is allowed. We don’t accept incent traffic.

2 X2 O9 w" J+ v5 F( ]( r
WEB+WAP Xcams. com PPS
Countries outside the EU
Only 成年人 traffic is allowed. We don’t accept incent traffic.

% r  B5 _( m+ S- p
Gay Dating
/ z7 ?4 J$ A! g2 v/ }, j3 O3 i
All types of offers you can find in Offers Market.
We also remind you that the minimum withdrawal request is $100.
: B" z1 S% @9 T$ b/ h5 C( R  H
The balance is upgraded twice a month - on 7th and 21st day.

6 R8 e$ S! N$ X7 y0 m2 u2 ]
AdsBridge has prepared for you even more!
Cars, cool gadgets and free licenses for top-end affiliate software - all this awaits the participants of the Everad stream on June 15, where the organizers will summarize the results of the first stage of the Everad Formula contest
In addition to the main prize - BMW 3 series and gadgets for the top 200 partners of the network, the organizers prepared cool gifts for all viewers, including PRO Annual subscription in Adsbridge and many other gifts from partners of the contest.
WHERE: June 15 at 16:00 EEST
To participate in the contest, viewers need to leave their contact details here and watch the broadcast up to the end - at the end, they will determine the winners and confirm it by calling in Zoom.
Maybe it will be YOU who wins!
Good luck!

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+ s! ?+ J" N6 V: f( b% X9 J4 A# D4 G: y4 ~& X& ]
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Rank: 2

 楼主| 发表于 2020-6-18 18:22:19 | 显示全部楼层
Hi, everyone!
2 L% j1 c' C" Z# xMeet our TOP offers of the week5 `$ w: \" v( {8 W' k
2 a- Q% m/ ^2 Q0 j3 g* f

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Cams: WAP WEB Cams. com PPS / MultiGeo - payout - 91$( y" B5 J  `" _
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Australia/Belgium/France/Germany/New Zealand/United Kingdom - $64( y( {* A' V! g( ^# T
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Male Enhancement: WAP WEB Prostatricum COD/ d/ G5 u0 [  w" g8 E+ t. a, e
1 W" e  t# u, b: }; R& b€25.27 L# h+ h0 L+ {' x
Restrictions: No Incent; No SMS traffic  `' g2 k) s6 [' H
. ^2 M3 C5 O( e* U) r
How to track the visitors to your website?
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We have prepared the answer to this question with examples. A case study is useful for those, who would like to track transitions to their website from search engines and not from the ads.  5 n) t- H; r/ F1 U' K

5 a% y3 t6 @# Z+ U/ z% z
+ y  [9 n0 K# A: ~/ d( @. A
* k! k& h5 E% W' qEverad held a stream on June 15th, where they offered a lot of prizes from the partners, including AdsBridge Professional Annual subscription!
6 N, _5 C' A6 N! C) k' C# \- C! O' c$ I. J4 J0 q2 f
Missed the stream? Watch it on the YouTube channel + @4 H5 W8 V( N. a8 C9 h, m1 R

& \8 @; M1 _$ l5 E. z/ ZThe winner has already received his prize from us 1 L6 K& Q) {) y) m. v+ c
8 f6 ]5 {) {0 l- H
There will be many contests with top prizes, follow our social networks!
( q. a- h  g  X- W8 _
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Rank: 2

 楼主| 发表于 2020-6-30 16:44:37 | 显示全部楼层
TikTok application has been gaining more and more popularity recently. Therefore, if you would like to know more about its peculiar features, types of monetization and account promotion, we advise you to check out the following article
! k# J0 }! P. `6 ]. u/ l# F! U' X7 a" I1 p8 O6 N# k
! g2 \0 _) U8 n5 ]* X- J+ Q* O

& Y" ]& U7 p1 }7 ~- V0 _
9 H9 U9 p( k3 Z
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