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[FACEBOOK] Freddy's Fast Five - Jumbleberry Nutra Trends









Rank: 2

发表于 2019-2-25 23:23:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Hello all,
4 W+ W- z6 q: p5 ^, u7 K* m  G! G$ T0 m
This past week the JB team went out to Amsterdam for the next stop on our JB Worlwide Tour. We had some great discussions on the state of nutra in 2019 and we look forward with sharing a recap sometime later this week. Stop will be in Shenzhen, China and I'm very excited to be coming back to Asia to help build business even further! # Q7 Y; ^) |) k7 R6 y1 a6 `' |

2 ?5 l, m6 N# T! QThis week I'm going to change the format and highlight the #1 highest trending campaign and list 5 reasons why you Need to test it out ASAP: & ]4 F0 z' J, j7 \' h1 W

9 s+ _- C2 O" k9 a+ cKeto Pure - INTL (SS) - 4226
    % g  A  S9 {4 g% s! C
  • Performance Consistency: YTD this is the top offer on the network and every week volume has been consistently increasing. This offer is a proven consistent winner.0 T. @$ q% b0 [# `: S9 Q
  • Scalability : The cap is unlimited and so this offer truly allows you to scale without interruption. No competiting for caps and no annoying weekend cap redirects.
    # R% S+ p  @, P1 S1 b
  • High ROI:  This offer accepts all geos and there are many with very cheap traffic costs and high ROI. Target all geos and exlcude US, CA, UK and AU.7 q0 a& Q' S/ u, g! U$ f% ^2 x, J
  • Advertiser:  This offer comes from one of the biggest advertisers in the industry and we have bonus plans based on revenue thresholds.
    7 Z$ A5 I  q: |1 u" S' V
  • Translations: No Translations Required !! This offer is converting on English creatives and offer pages. Target English for the browser language and watch the sales flood in!: Y3 b; x) |) X8 t, U  B2 G1 ~
1 ?  n8 }/ d6 C  b0 K

3 j/ X, B" b2 jIf you're having issues with fb accounts, send me a msg on skype and I can connect you with some of the top account vendors.

: Y% t. W4 G0 C4 U( c
) x2 q! X* o, b0 r" K- ^5 h$ l
4 d& ]% n9 ~/ ?6 \# c$ s+ ?% R$ ^
- C8 I, j9 f& [, QFrederic Jean-Bart
7 O6 r/ b. M  z* \Skyp: fjeanbart" w+ t& d. }- N
E: [email protected]
$ J3 d$ m$ X: x6 L! ~

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