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楼主: Binom_Tracker

[业界] Binom - Tracker For Professionals [-60% ADVERTCN coupon]









Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

 楼主| 发表于 2019-12-24 18:54:09 | 显示全部楼层
Our friends from Idvert created a nice review about our tracker here: / K2 X: @8 t+ z* z
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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

 楼主| 发表于 2020-4-26 19:18:29 | 显示全部楼层
Update 1.14 - 13.03
; T, m  J) H* k9 Z
. T( b5 a! e  J, s# t- M/ X; B! \3 N" ?
What's new?. o( a* A1 V0 Z7 k
- v4 ]6 U% A5 M' H5 w$ U; V/ [
5 Y  q0 T4 P0 J5 o- H& F
Integration with Traffic Sources (strange matches  )/ J1 W# F+ H, L4 d6 ^
So far, there are some pop sources and a few native. In the future, we will add Facebook, Google, and even more native sources. So far, we integrated:* {4 {& g, I; _: i0 H5 R
) G; h  H7 ~& d3 y# \PropellerAds
  Z# p& t, j1 u) ^5 V  xAdCash! @* E- Z$ V+ H5 O& x9 E* f) Q9 @* J
PopAds, x- I: e. G. B% r/ \* o& ~  a* W
" g8 D7 x5 J( X& ^; N6 RClickadu
0 m2 K) b( r- B* ]8 c6 E7 ^9 F/ NTrafficStars$ L0 X/ C5 d5 O; a$ C/ h. Q: m
2 F$ p5 @0 a1 t3 S3 fPlugRush
* {  B" v4 Q$ W' o* d: nSelfAdvertiser, K' v$ ^9 k. t+ r2 y
MGID* {/ M% _4 @4 X2 k) E: u, B7 C
3 f) L( ^& |% |& J6 L5 J4 [, kAt the beginning there are only basic features: linking matching campaigns, start/stop and changing the bid, where it is possible.
1 M/ {  s. M8 S. {7 O/ j( N9 {$ c; s$ e2 U8 T! m, @7 O1 l3 A, ^

8 {0 S2 q' g, F7 o: }( |) u: H
$ E, _% L2 k4 h' c6 t" }4 }, o2 JIn the next update we will add white and black lists, balances (you can setup notifications, which is very helpful), and cost synchronization.
% e, c% f, Y$ `4 AIn general, there is a large field for work, both in terms of new features and traffic sources support. A lot of hard work, but also a lot of convenience in the end. The API capabilities are huge and supported be almost all traffic sources. And in conjunction with triggers system this will be a blast. Stuff like <publisher rule> -- > add the publisher to the white list.
% R! @2 y- {& m8 t/ N+ W" {' a
! D0 X4 ^8 w4 s. Z
Code editor! G# f/ f/ U! ]/ y7 d0 w
I recall my long-standing desire to edit landing pages directly from the tracker. This would be very convenient, I thought, when I was running campaigns myself. We decided to implement it. In addition to the editor itself, there is also a built-in file client. You can use it to view files on your server with tracker, or connect via FTP to a third-party server. Tracker will remember the location of the land page even on an external server.! S% M% {+ L. e# M; [  F

6 Q: X! o7 e& n. y! l3 Q7 @! e
* a8 l; k4 Z- `% P3 @
# v' X, C2 h3 h3 {  t  PLanders grabber
2 f6 W7 h/ z4 }Sometimes you have to steal the landing page. Now it's easy, you can even grab them in bulk. The feature is not perfectly, you can say it is in beta-mode, but it's working. Should you have any issues with it – send them to support, we will work on it. Again, it is convenient to edit grabbed land pages with our new code editor.
- X! w% a, `9 I$ @, l7 k3 y/ `% P* _  Z3 Y# I9 w

" j4 p$ I4 g  w1 B% E1 w, s* Y4 p% S+ r: ~3 w0 @; E

( K0 i/ N# f% I- N3 K( }This feature was asked by many with large traffic. All you need is set the time interval and the data is purging itself., V7 t& O; M- K! G2 [0 n
" s! J* V  ?: U, n
% M7 W) K9 r) S" }  h. v! C+ K& J

" Q6 a9 [% T1 R' j1 bFull list of changes
: V7 y$ x) \. ~/ ^! k- Multithreading algorithms, increased speed and stability+ _% J$ s# _# C) D+ Z; l! m
- Deeper Integration with traffic sources9 ~3 H8 m3 O! i5 A# R" i
- Grab Landers - Landing copy feature (doc)
& M7 i- B1 B- y7 y8 ^- SFTP Landing Editor
9 u. x1 p6 M: G6 A0 Q' H) ~- Automated clearings (doc)
9 `0 l1 j& o1 f, R4 l; \- GEO filter on the Offers tab% B! ]% ]/ `5 m9 i2 i* ]+ ~
- Language filter on the Landers tab. H7 y) ?' }) a8 e
- New notes: Aff.Networks and Traffic Sources4 G* r3 E0 Z& N8 V, m
- New traffic distribution rules: crawler and headers
+ q/ y1 Z( R6 p; g- CSV download for conversion logs0 T- l  F0 E! X( n6 s+ H
- Time zone option in general stats3 a4 D' M* S) t3 F) @/ y3 E
- MagicChecker key automated check
$ Y6 A' U' m& L. O# h- L) p; v- Rules in ClickLog* [% |7 j9 P# N: I5 J4 t
- Postback to Traffic Source for any conversion changes
1 a5 ~  V* X! J% T- Keyboard shortcut disabling option in Settings2 d) s, Z  h+ P5 g8 ?- \+ v9 p
- Improved language recognition) Z' U1 |& k$ v3 h6 S
- Improved tracker’s update system
7 S9 L" I* R3 Y) I- Improved integrated landings algorithms
- e$ Z( F) y4 ?# O- New self-diagnostic feature, improved stability
) p" G* R' O. F/ k- New columns for the number of nested elements of Paths, Rules, Landers, Offers
- O' p. X: t# r1 `1 o3 ^9 r- New tokens: {cnv_currency}, {path_num}, {lander_num}, {offer_num}
. [4 A9 K4 D& ~! q1 c0 Z- API: Monitor and Trends( W6 L. C% g" U7 b9 j1 g2 P
- Improved SSL verification
) C! `% G  s( F% E- Accelerated Custom Time general statistics uploading
/ o8 W  R! o. C- Responsive design improvements' T4 B5 |( p0 ?# _9 [
- S2S postback percentage adjust on Campaign level
; X  H% x; y( j9 I# n! `# o# F- Selected report lines copy to clipboard
' r- s) s7 f! ^0 r% O7 X3 t- Click uniqueness for unlimited time
% t' _! P( K" k+ n- ?- P2 k" }- Click uniqueness setup by any Header (IP, User-Agent, User-Agent + IP, etc.)
% z  K' X$ D) V% L+ a- Click API: Integrated and Multi-offer landings
+ j0 N4 i! v( f, \$ b- Error output in Monitor page
5 t4 k: w; L/ A# ]0 p1 t& u: W0 _- Upsell disable option for manual conversion updates8 D9 g5 C5 F1 E# _
- New Triggers condition: Offer - Payout Shift - Same, `" b: G% Y  f
- Ability to send a postback with event/lp_token by clickid% d$ d! A! \. G
- Token Update cost from the context menu
- e- P* k: m3 b( }; c& X- Automatic campaign domain selection during metarefresh
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Rank: 2

发表于 2020-7-9 16:29:00 | 显示全部楼层
我也很喜欢Binom Tracker,简洁优雅
回复 支持 1 反对 0

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

 楼主| 发表于 2021-10-11 23:00:05 | 显示全部楼层
很高兴为您介绍Binom 1.16.新功能:
$ J, M# m6 }( ?# b# ]

% ~3 G# L: [0 [% M" Z9 @# X- Facebook 评论' y5 \5 i9 j- u- u
/ _* v% T+ t9 q1 ?8 z- l
2 d7 j, b% b, X7 d* U& \2 u% o
[img]由于安全原因,请把图片上传到论坛! k# q2 K/ P+ H3 T9 i( W1 i

6 `  B. m0 P) \$ d8 Q- ~" q- B; ~/ X, f7 w: u0 N3 \
- Facebook 多用户许可; Z4 F; ^- h# G( R  F
您还可以将 Facebook 账号及代理绑定至不同的用户
9 O4 F% F6 L9 [( K: v& w) q
( S- ^* C& c) r' C" q' g, M! m
[img]由于安全原因,请把图片上传到论坛- b$ |3 }1 M' J

; u7 o  M! M( W' S
$ _. R: {$ |/ L+ U+ W- Adspect 对接
2 {$ g2 N/ C9 e" }( S$ j我们开发了Adspect对接,Adspect是市场上最好的保护方案之一。Facebook、Google以及其他流量源都可以被 Adspect 过滤掉. K  r' u& G2 t7 p8 I) A+ h

4 I, h* n0 x* ?) B[img]由于安全原因,请把图片上传到论坛6 X0 n' [% O0 |1 x9 f

* }4 ^8 m8 I6 o; u& ?% |7 _7 o7 q9 l8 J
- Auto CPA" _: d4 E; d/ R! W  b1 l! A6 M1 p! r+ B, O
3 f$ H: z+ C9 o/ G+ Q8 p
1 a1 v6 W. ]4 q6 Q9 H( j4 X( I+ K
) t9 t+ ^& J+ l# k! n7 l
% q- Z7 a" S; T0 C. E- M! j5 p; R8 y% k* u
- 新货币( x' P) W4 X3 {( o5 s
更多货币种类, [4 p" ]1 w0 E) ?: k6 @
4 z( `8 i: Y! n% d" x
. [( \% [( Q& S( A
& ]( f3 v8 x7 I; k% `. q3 X" x5 Q. [0 C! m' z8 S$ j4 K# Y+ n' |3 p
- Drag-N-Drop
9 b1 p& q3 }1 r您可以随意拖放campaign里的不同的对象(象规则、路径、LP页、offers
2 v# O0 L! [* G: p

. N7 D5 {* d# u[img]由于安全原因,请把图片上传到论坛
" w. @5 U) z: Q* ?2 o  _! _7 v
: S1 p  e, s0 e7 b% P5 e+ g: x4 s8 g3 H  M% c5 v! e. @4 m
- 序数
4 {% E' c" @! L; O+ c- g多offer的LP页的offer带有序数了
3 p$ r! H2 o6 d- z0 P1 Q
! t: j; E0 ^$ W
- Q: R6 T2 e# n* i8 _- O
& j# Y/ a4 P/ o  ?7 U( J# [* Y4 k$ V! {
- PHP7.4 兼容改善
& e% |# q$ j5 c# T9 c" |* n7 b+ Y1 i- Facebook 对接改善
( I6 n; W, B/ w- u+ l9 a0 u- 根据用户许可在Domains标签上显示是否该用户具有域名绑定的campaign许可6 u, [8 `. O8 ~6 `! J9 Y) D
- 修改了一些故障(包括使用JS Protection时,"Access-Control-Allow-Origin" 头字段出现双重这个故障在内)
( D6 m. w* j& |. V& `
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