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[FACEBOOK] Freddy's Fast Five - Jumbleberry Trend Updates









Rank: 2

发表于 2019-4-1 21:50:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Hi All, , _9 {2 }! M+ S- b6 y3 K0 i
+ G9 V5 v1 G+ N' d( A$ I$ t6 H
I'd like to start off by thanking all of our attendees who came to our JB Worldwide Shenzhen meetup! We had a sold out event and the feedback has been all positive. We're definitely looking forward to coming back to China In the near future! 8 Z4 M- s+ H& W3 E
2 ?3 v* f( M' u" I, Z
Today is an exciting day because not only is it the start of a new month, but also the start of Q2. I hope everyone's had the time to review their goals for this next quarter because we have a lot of new Practicing things in the pipeline that will help you make a ton of money.   b$ e( I! w0 g' w9 Z; w* M$ l* g
2 y  O, @, F1 i
Below are the top 5 trending offers on the network for the past week:
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  • 1. Energy Booster (US SS): The hottest new offer on the network is an energy booster campaign that has loads of testimonials, videos and images for assets. The advertiser has setup endorsements with famous cross-fitters and former nfl players. It has the ability To do 1000 sales/day, so if you're looking for a new offer to scale this is the number 1 campaign I would recommend. Hit me up today and I'll send links.2 P# U0 n% `( F
  • 2. Diet (US SS): US SS offers are nothing new, but we onboarded 2 new adv that have built-in non-branded survey funnels into their flows. We're already doing over 500 sales/day on this offer, so this new Funnel is seeing extreme success. Jump on it!  j& E8 z+ Q2 M5 c- D
  • 3. Muscle (Intl SS): For over 3 months, our Intl Diet SS has been the top offer, but there's a new popular kid at the dance and it's a new is Intl Muscle SS. CPC's are looking even cheaper than it's diet equivalent, so You need to make money with this offer before it becomes too saturated! Don't say I didn't warn you
    & E1 K+ b3 e3 p3 f; ?3 u
  • 4. ME (US Trial): For all my ME trial affiliates worried about the loss of Mastercard, I present to you a branded trial offer that comes from a publicly-funded company and is currently sold in stores across the US. The adv has provided us With email templates, presell pages and a plethora of creative assets. This offer can do up to 1000 sales/day and accepts all traffic sources (pre-approval required before running).3 \; Q4 |$ [1 A8 x5 {) o
  • 5. Diet (AU/UK Trial): With the removal of Mastercard processing on some US trial offers, UK/AU diet trial has seen a steady increase in traffic the past week. If you're looking for a great alternative then look no further than These tier-1 geos that over over 3,000 s1 in cap/week. You need to start off the month/quarter with a running start and these geos are the key to getting you there. Hit me up quick and I'll secure you cap On the top offers!- X  B% c6 M, B( ~" f3 }7 b( a7 ~
If you're having issues with fb accounts, send me a msg on skype and I can connect you with some of the top account vendors.
$ E, Z3 y5 w( _( H+ q0 h
Frederic Jean-Bart - Affiliate Manager Team Lead
Skype: fjeanbart

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# N% A3 h# p0 V+ m5 C

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