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Freddy's Fast Five - How To Crush Nutra In January 2019









Rank: 2

发表于 2018-12-27 06:52:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Hi All,
: E$ Y  |! W: s% k$ T+ c. U, A+ e3 A' L# F
I'm sure many of you are taking some time off to relax, but I hope you're still hungry to absolutely smash revenue goals in Jan 2019. This week's Fast Five will focus on giving you some strategies/tips on how to crush nutra in January and start the year with an explosion of revenue.
. X8 W/ J$ h( V7 I; u# A
+ j9 f: V( O- U6 c6 w: YTip #1:/ k, ~8 {/ D- Q& u' K) o, e& f- Q
Many of you are waiting for Jan 1st to start scaling your nutra campaigns, but most experienced affiliates start as of today Dec 26th. I know this is a time for relaxing and recharging the batteries, but I also want you to know that your competition is hitting me up and already working deals to secure cap. You always want to get a step ahead of your competition in this game, so don't wait to hit me up for offers.
; y& L6 I- p: r# s8 y) j: J+ E
. f, L; d, V$ a, L( D6 z1 fTip #2:1 G: q2 h1 q+ P; ~% U. i- k5 e: {+ ~
US diet trial offers are the most sought-out vertical during the month of Jan, however caps are limited and the top tier offers cap out mid-week. The smart affiliates are allocating portions of their budgets to SS diet offers which are uncapped. This allows them to scale without having to worry about caps/redirects. Dec was our 2nd biggest month for US Diet SS in 2018, so the proof is in the pudding.
: w3 O2 p0 U, b+ }7 ?
' K* c3 L0 J' @- cTip #3:
% p/ c- G0 l6 b1 Z# fThe best strategy for getting dedicated cap on top tier offers is to have high rebill quality. The top affiliates are targeting 50+ and have credit card decline% below 20%. Hit me up if you want me to give you CRM access to your c/c decline% through our Radius platform. This is a useful tool to view your initial stats.
& Z- S. v8 ]2 ^. j+ C0 m: V( b0 ?' W  S
Tip #4:
* H5 O/ A7 O. P: Y4 f/ F5 Q# XIf you want to get more dedicated cap, then you have to get better at deal-making. Your competition is out here taking lower payouts or testing multiple offers in order to secure cap on the top tier offers. You may not be willing to do this, but I can tell you truthfully, your competition has been doing this all year and the deals will only get more aggressive come Jan.; c' [" n* H+ r* h+ m0 E
* d& G. O! P- J+ F. P/ C; P% a% s
Tip #5:
0 C* r" r6 V. b6 y( @& A4 v/ PIn the 9 year history of Jumbleberry, January has always our biggest month for revenue. This means that if you're running nutra this is best month to make money and if you've ran nutra in the past, well now is the time to dip your toe back in the pool.  8 v4 l( u6 ^2 m. G1 r
+ t7 q  s* h9 m/ z
I'm a very goal oriented affiliate manager and I've set some super aggressive targets for myself in Q1 of 2019. I love making money and I hope you do too, so hit me up and let me help take your business to the next level in 2019!
2 m' a: e1 V) s' p  R, Y
' C( M2 h9 _1 R# Y6 y  T
' W# m% P$ X8 kIf you're having issues with fb accounts, send me a msg on skype and I can connect you with some of the top account/credit card vendors.
  q, v% Y, O! h6 ]- C8 n+ U3 h
2 X! ?7 @$ s3 R! w- L" cThanks,( M4 }8 {, M$ g( k$ Z  V1 [! Z9 M4 D

% \$ W/ ?, C( F& S( J9 }' dFrederic Jean-Bart - Senior Affiliate Manager
: W. X4 j1 {# i- _# @4 x5 @Skype: fjeanbart; v6 \3 a$ D0 [
[email protected]
  e5 U! ?* b5 Q, @7 {1 B1 t/ ~; @7 H  O, l! A. Q# B

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