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[分享] CJ流量调查回答内容参考









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发表于 2016-10-18 09:24:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
CJ流量调查回答内容参考3 o  J  O& i4 M, K3 ^
2 i5 c, {- j2 ?# F# o: t
8 g, U8 j/ y, x2 p# Q
" W* I8 o+ p' u0 _+ _1 o
! m) N) M( {8 w- Business Blogging. Start a blog for your business and update it on a regular basis. A business blog is an excellent tool to toot your own horn, let the world know about your new products, and tell your target customers why they should do business with you, rather than your competitor. A business blog is also a great tool for attracting potential customers to your blog and your web site.
* L& L+ B$ u% o' k- Search Engine Optimization (or SEO). SEO is the process of modifying web page content and meta-information to improve the search engine ranking of the page. Successful search engine optimization will greatly increase the number of visitors that come to your web site since over 70% of people who are looking for products and services use search engines to locate them
; Z4 g5 i6 r9 H+ e8 D7 e$ N- Article Writing and Publishing. This is another great way to drive traffic to your web site. When you write and publish your articles, other web site owners pick them up and publish them on their web sites, while giving you a link back to your web site.  d/ m4 Q1 N7 |
- Newsletter Publishing. Keep in touch with your clients and potential clients by sending out a newsletter on a regular basis. Every time you send out a newsletter, dont forget to invite the subscribers to visit your web site.
) r- j, T8 C5 t' j& X- Online Networking. Mention your web site address in your signature when networking online. Make sure that your web site is prominently displayed on the page, provided to you by every online networking service that you participate in, so that your fellow networkers can visit your web site.% d6 W3 T  C! ?. S) X: f
- E-mail Signatures. Every time you send out an e-mail to one person, you have a chance to get an extra visitor for your web site. When you send an e-mail to a mailing list, you have a chance to spread the word to even more potential customers. All you need to do is to append a signature to every outgoing e-mail message. Make sure that the signature contains a powerful tagline that invites the readers to click on the link and visit your site
  c7 j5 o$ \( G9 u/ _  @7 B- a- Pay Per Click Search Engines. Here you can control exactly how many new visitors you want to get. There is a catch, though — you have to pay for every click to your web site. Make a budget and stick to it an make sure to monitor your account those clicks add up fast.
) v9 L- @  u" P- \$ q4 B. ?& _- Affiliate Marketing. An affiliate program is another way to drive traffic to your web site. Your affiliates are your commissions-only sales people who make money when they sell your products. They drive traffic to your web site in exchange for commissions on sales.8 W' J" |. \: {3 G/ S. Y

& ?4 i, Q" n) ~0 t4 l7 Q2 X6 l. ?

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