YeahMobi 发表于 2017-6-7 18:59:35


本帖最后由 YeahMobi 于 2017-7-10 20:14 编辑

2017年7月14日,Yeahmobi 联合Leadbit, STM为大家带来一场盛大的线下聚会 China Affiliate Meetup, 诚邀行业AFF一起来讨论Nutra(Free Trial, COD), 原生流量等主题!谢谢大家的火热报名,这次活动已经有了我们预计的近三倍的报名人数谢谢大家的支持!

China Affiliate Meetup 所有讲者信息

Benjamin YongSTMThought LeaderBenjamin Yong has been in the online marketing space for the past 6 years and he is the master of various paid traffic which include social, search, display, and pop. He is also a speaker and a coach. Being known as an STM Thought Leader, his humble beginning and success stories have inspired many people to start an online business.

Ken KongYeahmobiDirector of Performance NetworkKen has overseen the development of Performance Network team for a year now. He has a strong can-do attitude and strong power on implement and supervising, which helped the revenue of performance network reached a growth of more than 500%. Meanwhile, multiple new projects including API integration, Video traffic under his lead have achieved big success. Now he's leading Yeahmobi to fully develop in Nutra industry as well.

OLGA SPICHAKLeadbit GroupStrategistOlga is the Leadbit Group Business Development Strategist with the technical background and global communication experience. Olga knows how to represent the strong sides of company and drive business to the new market level. She specializes in business consulting, project development and is in charge of affiliate networking activities by organizing the first international affiliate conference in Moscow

Alex OmelyanovichCEO and co-founder of AdsBridgeAdsBridge is well known as best trackers for ads optimization in the world. Alex started his career from marketing manager to the CEO so he knows all the aff marketing processes from the scratch. Alex will highlight the basics of ads campaigns optimization with classic and unusual methods which can help to choose your own optimization system and convert regular campaign to the TOP one and will tell the tracking special tips and tools.

Ivan DorudaVice President, EMEA at MGID Inc COO at MarketGIDTopic: International arbitrage experience via Native Ad Networks. Success secrets. 8 years in digital advertising. 5 years in Native and Performance marketing. Participates in a range of IAB committees on Native and Performance Marketing. Believes in pivotal role of result-oriented campaign optimization and bright future for AI for traffic acquisition management in native advertising networks.

Suri LeeBusiness Development, OutbrainSuri is the business development consultant of Outbrain in China. She got MBA degree in Israel and also studied integrated marketing communications in France. Suri is a multi-lingual person who has a comprehensive understanding of western and eastern cultures. She specializes in advertising consultation, audience analysis, and strategic planning for content distribution.

David SavorySTMDavid hails from New Zealand and has been active in the affiliate marketing space since 2011. He currently works with iStack, the team behind STM Forum, Affiliate World Conferences, iStack Training, etc., and is helping them with world domination. Otherwise, he can be found playing around on Facebook like most affiliates. DavidТs focus is Facebook (surprise surprise) and all the technical challenges that come with such a powerful but complex and challenging advertising medium.

Christina SzekersChristina is a successful entrepreneur and a businesswoman, with over 10 years of experience building, running and operating her performance marketing business. Christina is the soul and sass behind the FBQueen brand, her passion and purpose is consulting performance marketers how to take their business to the next level using Facebook Ads. She’s one of the Moderators on the Premium Affiliate Marketing Forum: STM and a welcome speaker at affiliate conferences around the world.

China Affiliate Meetup奖品公布这次Meetup 你将获得:
相互认识AFF友人的线下见面机会 行业大牛的分享 休闲派对超过200人数的AFF,赞助商和合作商的参与人数Yeahmobi精心准备的抽奖环节礼品和特色伴手礼
活动现场 我们还会有抽奖哦! 此次活动奖品全部有Yeahmobi为大家诚意准备的!活动抽奖奖品:
三等奖:西安悠久历史文化之旅兵马俑+华清池长恨歌门票套餐来西安参加这次China Affiliate Meetup的活动怎么能够错过让西安举世闻名的八大奇迹——兵马俑以及中国首部大型山水历史舞剧,央视特别推荐的长恨歌表演呢?
不管你是音乐发烧友,还是电影迷,还是历史文化爱好者 我们都有一款奖品适合你!即使真的错过了如此之特别+贴心的抽奖奖品也不要怕,因为我们这次Yeahmobi 为每一位到场的嘉宾准备了极具西安特色的伴手礼,到场者皆有份!(至于具体是什么, 大家可以猜一猜,留点惊喜给现场!)


YeahMobi 发表于 2017-6-20 18:13:44

zhaoyu106 发表于 2017-6-13 10:07


蜘蛛 发表于 2017-6-7 19:08:28

:lol 看看大牛啥样

chey 发表于 2017-6-7 19:10:33


蓝色山脉 发表于 2017-6-7 19:22:50


365abc 发表于 2017-6-7 20:27:27


YeahMobi 发表于 2017-6-7 21:15:23

蜘蛛 发表于 2017-6-7 19:08

:$ 期待到时候和蜘蛛兄相见!

YeahMobi 发表于 2017-6-7 21:15:52

chey 发表于 2017-6-7 19:10

欢迎欢迎 ;)

YeahMobi 发表于 2017-6-7 21:16:02

蓝色山脉 发表于 2017-6-7 19:22


YeahMobi 发表于 2017-6-7 21:16:10

365abc 发表于 2017-6-7 20:27


Cynthia0420 发表于 2017-6-7 21:20:46

7月14日 西安见!

iwitsky 发表于 2017-6-7 22:21:30


令狐失败 发表于 2017-6-7 22:41:45


YeahMobi 发表于 2017-6-8 10:31:28

令狐失败 发表于 2017-6-7 22:41

谢谢老板支持! 老板西安见!:lol:lol

YeahMobi 发表于 2017-6-8 10:33:39

iwitsky 发表于 2017-6-7 22:21


zhaoyu106 发表于 2017-6-13 10:07:07

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