不知名野花 发表于 2016-12-30 22:34:29


本帖最后由 不知名野花 于 2020-12-16 22:44 编辑

       Hi大家好,Mobidea很高兴又和大家见面!Mobidea是一家来自欧洲的联盟,目前我们主要专注在CPA CPL CPS领域,几乎涵盖了各种类型的offer/smartlink,比如成年人, Gaming,Dating,Leadgen, Nutra, Gambling等都是我们所专长的,平台上的offer都是直客的单子,我们也有自有的inhouseoffer,部分类型只要提供LP我们还可以为大家定制offer,系统是自研系统,有24/7 中文客服支持,起付金额为100/300美元,为大家提供更好的offer和为广告主带去优质的流量是我们一直的愿景和追求,希望大家多多支持!
想要成为一个成功的affiliate,你会需要很多的知识和技巧,事实上,各行各业的人都可以成为成功的affiliate,当然,如果是设计师或者是IT达人出身的话肯定会对这一工作有很好的帮助,如果就IT方面来说,哪些知识是入门者需要了解的呢?1. 明白这个行业是如何运作的你可能听说过一些有经验的人把各种术语说得头头是道,比如通过使用IP地址,DNS, IPV系统来获得更多转化等等,可能你自己会一头雾水,没关系,我们下面会一一讲述。比如你接收到一个文件,邮件,或者是在加载一个页面,或者是其它的在网络上的操作, 你 都都会发送和接受许多数据,服务器会将这些数据发送到指定的地方。其中就TCP/IP就协议就起到很关键的作用。 TCP/IP指的是传输控制协议/互联网协议(Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol),它是让互联网正常运作的法则,IP 系统是地址系统,每个电脑都有一个特定的IP地址,所以不会婚礼。每个网站还会有指定的唯一IP地址,这些是通过另外一个协议来分配的,叫做DNS(Domain Name Server)域名服务器来完成。如果IP地址是你的家庭地址,那么TCP就像邮编号码一样,它为所有的数据指定固定的路径,同时他们还保证了所有的服务器能够互相通联,所以适当的服务器才能处理你对应的需求。当然,这些内容都非常的复杂,除此之外还有很多协议,比如FTP(File Transfer Protocol )文件传输协议,它能够为你和服务器定义好路径。P2P (peer-2-peer)点对点技术可以在传送文件的时候,选择性地绕过服务器,将文件直接送到其他的电脑去。2. 搜索引擎的重要性 不管你是用谷歌,雅虎或者必应,还有很多小技巧帮助你的搜索工作。现在的搜索引擎已经变得非常智能了,自带很多小工具。学会使用搜索引擎自带的搜索优化工具会对建立网站有很大的帮助,能得到更好的排名,得到更多的流量。可以多了解SEO的相关知识。3. HTML和图像处理如果能了解掌握HTML和图像处理的只是的话肯定对跑offer有很大帮助。HTML是网页的程序语言,掌握每一种标签的话都可以更好的建你的网站,市面上有很多这种工具,可以直接预览效果,所以不用下载或者安装任何东西。其实知道一些很基础的东西就够用了。如果你不是个设计师,那知道一些简单的图像处理的知识就可以了,比如photoshop,能够更好地设计自己的网站,素材等。Photoshop是个很棒的软件,而且也有试用期,另外还有一些别的软件,比如GIMP and Paint。还有另一个很重要的东西是网页设计工具,比如WordPress也是很好用的。4. 域名和主机如果要建一个网站,那还需要域名和主机这两样东西,这个网站http://lifehacker.com/5683682/five-best-domain-name-registrars可以给你建议一些好的域名。另外还可以看这些网站: Godaddy, Namecheap, and Gandi。Namecheap是性价比比较高的一个,不过要记得使用隐私保护选项,因为当 你注册域名的时候,你所有的个人信息比较容易泄露。5.其它一些重要的东西 另一个很重要的东西是选择一个正确的联盟,学习如何分析你的流量,如何spy别人的素材,如何建立自己的网络圈子,学会向别人学习,这些对成为一个好的aff也起到很关键的作用。希望这些入门的基础IT知识能对大家有帮助。在这里祝大家元旦快乐,2017年收获多多,身体健康,开心快乐。么么。

习惯奔跑 发表于 2016-12-31 01:43:34


例如,什么是tracking,主流的tracking有哪些,如何搭建一个tracking,针对tracking要选择什么样的服务器,目前性价比比较高且适合入门级affilaite主机服务商有哪些,saas和selfhotsting的优劣,如何科学的在tracking上建立一个campaign。针对不同类型的offer是三日化数据还是七日化数据。这样才能吸引人哦。。 咱们元旦约吗?

不知名野花 发表于 2017-1-11 17:08:34

习惯奔跑 发表于 2016-12-31 01:43

例如,什么是tracking,主流的tracking有哪些, ...


hbklove8 发表于 2017-1-12 14:04:57

唉,这是在育儿吗? 希望将来能看到你深入的分析问题

五味 发表于 2017-1-16 18:05:26

好深奥,能讲些操作实战上的东西吗, 怎么开始干?

iwitsky 发表于 2017-1-17 11:11:30

o be clear, the 6 Week Affiliate Mastery Challenge is a completely separate offering to the STM forum and as such will not require you to be a member but will have it's own price tag.

Want some juicier details? OK OK I'll oblige... here's a cursory outline of what the 6 week programme:

Week 1:
Day 1: Many aspects of AM covered + some practical tasks. You'll learn about the various entities involved and will start setting up a tracker, server, business website, will join an affiliate network, etc.
Day 2: Introduction to the different media channels, ad types, major traffic sources and how user intent is a critical underlying factor.
Day 3: Verticals and offer types.
Day 4: Different bidding modes and commission models.
Day 5: The affiliate marketing tool kit. Here you'll be run through all the tools you need to start campaigns on the right technical and creative footing.
Day 6 live delivery: A short recap of the week, Q&A and a live run through of setting up a website, hosted email, etc.

By the end of week 1 you will have a cost effective setup that makes you feel like a real marketer, and to the outside world, a reputable business. You'll be comfortable with a number of design and technical tools and will have a good overview of the various entities that operate in this space.

Week 2:
Day 1: Shallow dive on Facebook as a traffic source. A cursory overview of FB to demonstrate some of what we learned in week 1.
Day 2: Split-testing and tracking. How to do it, why it's critical.
Day 3: The maths of affiliate marketing and lead generation, statistical significance. Let's be honest: this is hard for 99% of people. I'll help you demystify and practically implement it.
Day 4: Angles and conversion psychology.
Day 5: Brainstorming angles. Learn how to sit down and pump out ideas - both silly, amazing and stupid.
Day 6 live delivery: we will set up a direct-linked campaign on a Mobile DSP and go through the basics of configuring a campaign on any traffic source, checking tracking, etc.

By the end of week 2 you will have a much better grasp on tracking fundamentals, maths, angles/copywriting and will deploy a test campaign after brainstorming angles. You'll learn how real marketers test angles. Consider this an angle bootcamp!

Week 3:
Day 1: Analysis of weekend data, then market research.
Day 2: Introduction to funnels, lead quality and the role of landing pages.
Day 3: Introduction to Muse and lander creation. Let's pump out some landers!
Day 4: Technical setup and tools. The apocalypse (kidding!). We roll out a VPS server, buy a domain name, and get things ready to upload a live landing page. If you suck with this sort of stuff, pay close attention to this day.
Day 5: Confounding variables and what can affect your campaign performance.
Day 6 live delivery: Campaign setup on an RTB-based platform. I'll run you through getting a campaign up to use that pimp lander you made a few days ago.

At the end of week 3 you'll be rearing to go. Whoa there tiger! We'll be unleashing you next week when you start crafting and deploying even more campaigns on another traffic source. For now, you'll roll out a campaign to test your lander and provide practice drilling down into landing page data.

Week 4:
Day 1: Analysis of campaign tracking and real user monitoring data.
Day 2: Introduction to a large scale traffic source.
Day 3: Further discussion of a large scale traffic source.
Day 4: Elements of your campaign to test and how to prioritise these.
Day 5: How to better understand your market and sell to them. We go over various tools and tactics to leverage in your campaigns.
Day 6 live delivery: initial research and live set up of another campaign. We will go through the creation of a campaign from start to finish. We'll go over best practices for the traffic source.

By the end of week 4 you will be pumped. You will roll out a well-designed campaign that will collect data over the weekend. From here on out you'll be sharpening your skills and refining your campaigns.

Week 5:
Day 1: Discussion of data from campaign. Where to go from there, nuances and how to optimise.
Day 2: The science of AM. That's right, science. This was inevitable.
Day 3: Productivity techniques and time-management. We'll talk about how to streamline your workflow. We'll even talk about outsourcing!
Day 4: Brainstorming and research. You'll be tasked with launching yet another campaign. Let's build experience and reinforce your knowledge!
Day 5: We will talk click loss and why you should split-test networks. Common misunderstandings will be resolved!
Day 6 live delivery: guest call with industry expert on topic TBD. I won't tell you who will be in this slot... but they will have an attractive accent.

By the end of week 5 you'll be comfortable deploying campaigns on virtually any traffic source and will have a firm grasp on testing methods as well as how to “keep calm and process data”.

Week 6:
Day 1: Discuss campaign data so far + ways to squeeze more out of campaigns. This week may be cut a little short with STM London around the corner, we shall see. If so we will condense the content into a few days only.
Day 2-3: Case studies on various traffic sources by guest presenters. Likely not live this round but Q&A will be actively manned!
Day 4: Other traffic sources, emerging markets and crazy ideas/studies.
Day 5: Where internet marketing is heading and how affiliate marketers fit in. Consider this a Zeitgeist-ish lecture. We'll reiterate what you should be focusing on to be succesful in 2015.
Day 6 live delivery: wrap up

以上是去年或者前年 STM 的一个教程,从这个思路你可以自己慢慢摸索。丰富技能。

不知名野花 发表于 2017-1-18 20:15:14

hbklove8 发表于 2017-1-12 14:04
唉,这是在育儿吗? 希望将来能看到你深入的分析问题


不知名野花 发表于 2017-1-18 20:15:55

五味 发表于 2017-1-16 18:05
好深奥,能讲些操作实战上的东西吗, 怎么开始干?


不知名野花 发表于 2017-1-18 20:16:41

iwitsky 发表于 2017-1-17 11:11
以上是去年或者前年 STM 的一个教程,从这个思路你可以自己慢慢摸索。丰富技能。 ...


iwitsky 发表于 2017-1-18 21:06:07

不知名野花 发表于 2017-1-18 20:16


不知名野花 发表于 2017-1-19 15:45:53

iwitsky 发表于 2017-1-18 21:06


332111011 发表于 2017-2-11 08:51:27

这些我都懂 就是不知道业务
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