老刘 发表于 2015-8-27 09:59:51


好不容易说服MundoMedia支付佣金,但支付系统太奇葩, 支付失败.


PS: 要帐之路,真不容易

Dear xxx,

We have tried to process your payment of USD xxx by eCheck
The payment failed for the following reason: Account number not in the correct length of 9 characters..

Please login to our website's payments details page and edit your details to correct this error.
When the funds have been returned to our bank account, we will resubmit your payment for processing on the next payment cycle.

Best regards,
The MundoMedia team.

河小马 发表于 2015-8-27 11:20:58



老刘 发表于 2015-8-27 12:19:36

咨询了一下银行客服, 香港CHATS转账可以填7位账号....

1、收款銀行: xxxx
2、银行代码(BANK CODE):111
   分行代码(BRANCH CODE):222
3、收款人名称: 英文户名
4、收款人账号: 卡号后7位为账号

老刘 发表于 2015-9-4 10:11:33

我贴一下 MundoMedia的支付页面,希望对其他人有帮助.

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查看完整版本: MundoMedia支付系统真奇葩