jiaming 发表于 2014-2-17 18:18:16

warriorforum上电子书分享:OnPage Perfection

本帖最后由 finder 于 2014-12-27 23:23 编辑

OnPage Perfection:TRIPLE The Power Of Your Backlinks With This 1 Tweak!


OnPage Perfection is a simple step by step blueprint that shows you exactly how to rank higher with less backlinks and quickly build trust and authority in Google's eyes.

You will discover what search engines are looking for and give it to them without risking a penalty and how you can get 100% unique content all in 10 minutes flat.

电子书除了OnPage Perfection.pdf,另外附带了3本bonus电子书:Backlink Perfection.pdf, Instant Rankers.pdf, Onpage-Cheatsheet.pdf。


链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1jGibswQ 密码: pdjr

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