GlispaAM 发表于 2013-12-30 00:09:24


本帖最后由 GlispaAM 于 2013-12-31 09:06 编辑

乘上了online/mobile marketing的快车就有了再也停止不了的疯狂,Apple九十年代的campaign slogan 让这个在此行的小盆友深有感触:

Here's To The Crazy Ones. The misfits. The rebels. The trouble-makers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently.
They're not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status-quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify, or vilify them.
About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world - are the ones who DO !

[不同凡想] 向那些疯狂的家伙们致敬,他们特立独行,他们桀驁不馴,他们惹是生非,他们格格不入,他们用与众不同的眼光看待事物,他们不喜欢墨守成规,他们也不愿安于现状。你可以赞美他們,引用他們,反对他们,质疑他們,颂扬或是诋毁他们,但唯独不能漠视他们。因為他們改变了事物。他们发明,他们想象,他们治愈,他们探索,他们创造,他们启迪,他们推动人类向前发展。因为只有那些疯狂到以為自己能够改变世界的人,才能真正的改变世界。

We start here becase we love internet and we need to make our life secure. 当构造了梦想之后,它融入了血液,推动不停的学习探索和创造,白天是跳跃的键盘和灵感,晚上梦见自己在不停奔跑,约会的时候,也会满心都是campaign ROI。有时候就像下了一场赌注,成本或高或低,惊喜或痛苦在每一天都会来临。抱着电脑,刷着手机,行走在网络、飞机和火车上,匆匆忙忙。苦逼的IT生涯才刚刚拉开序幕,就算没有人为我们的疯狂鼓掌,但 At least we are doing the thing important to us, and we will meet the peolple who appreciate our value, devotion and dedication. Then we share our happiness and sorrow.

Thanks for the crazy journey of 2013.
2014 will dig out all the potentials we have for sure.

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