ClickDealer 发表于 2013-11-7 00:30:41

Constest Rules

Hi Advertcn members!

We have been receiving several requests for contest rules. They were translated to Chinese for your convenience and can be seen here:
Even more offers will be added to the list to increase your chances to win prizes!
You are also able to receive multiple prizes in case you generate enough points.
Feel free to ask your AM what traffic sources work best for the offers you plan to run.

We are always eager to help you learn and get even more profitable.


河小马 发表于 2013-11-7 00:57:29

perfect, thanks, Robert!

wadezwd 发表于 2013-11-7 18:23:43

本帖最后由 wadezwd 于 2013-11-7 18:42 编辑

感謝您參與在ClickDealer AdvertCN大賽!你的綽號是。

帶上你最好的交通到選定的報價 - 獲得一個驚人的獎品!


this translation sucks, and was suprised by this real suprise....:L
google translation sucks...

this is my version of Chinese Simplified, just for your reference:

感谢您参与 ClickDealer AdvertCN 大赛! 您的参赛名号为:.

请把您最好的流量送到我们制定的 offer -- 就有机会赢得让您惊喜的大奖!

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