清风教父 发表于 2020-9-5 10:51:00



On the February 11, 2020 ePayments Systems Limited (‘ePayments’) agreed with the Financial Conduct Authority (‘FCA’) to suspend all activity on its customer accounts. This decision was taken following a review, by the FCA, of ePayments anti-money laundering systems and controls, which identified weakness that required remediation.We know this will be a very frustrating time for our customers. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and are working tirelessly to ensure improvements are made and accounts can be reactivated as soon as possible. During this improvement process, we want to assure customers that their funds are being safeguarded as normal. If you have any questions, please contact us directly.

xihuheyi 发表于 2020-9-5 22:28:55

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查看完整版本: epayments被暂停半年多了,还有1400刀,解禁还有希望吗?
