nomofu 发表于 2024-4-10 01:10:48

taboola 绑信用卡秒封号

自己注册了三个 taboola 账号,尝试了绑国内的实名信用卡和虚拟 mastercard,绑定后都被秒封,这个风控有点迷惑,找代理开户会好点吗?

We'd like to let you know that your account has been deactivated from the Taboola Network.
Taboola strives to provide the highest quality services for all users, advertisers, and publishers, and we reserve the right to withhold these services in our sole discretion. At this time we cannot provide further detail.
We appreciate your understanding as we work to uphold these standards.

Thank you,
The Taboola team.

lessin 发表于 2024-4-10 07:14:29


Flora 发表于 2024-4-10 14:19:02


kkyu123 发表于 2024-4-10 16:45:06


神助攻 发表于 2024-4-10 17:59:02

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