Binom_Tracker 发表于 2022-3-29 18:25:42

Binom 1.17 & Paying in Crypto discount & Writers contest resume!

Three exciting news this time guys

#1. Binom 1.17 Beta will be available for everybody today!

- Integration with Google Ads
- Columns drag-n-drop
- Offer’s auto optimization (can be enabled by request to our support team)
- Tags and whitelist support in Adspect

You can send your requests for features in 1.18 in the comments below

#2. To all you cryptolads - starting now we are providing an additional 5% discount for all licenses payed in Crypto!
Which means that our 3-6-12 months licenses are now have 15%-25%-35% discount respectively if you pay in crypto!

#3. We resume our Writers contest (!
Additional 10 days are available for you guys to submit your article (till April 8th) and in few days after that we will announce the winners

L0001 发表于 2022-3-31 17:36:31

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查看完整版本: Binom 1.17 & Paying in Crypto discount & Writers contest resume!
